Our Masterclasses
Includes Masterclasses 1 and 2 free of charge for 1 month.
You will have access to all regular Masterclasses at ConductMe Academy and you will also have the opportunity to complete your Academy with a selection of Guest Masterclasses.
In addition You will having access to the Premium Package, you will also have access to coaching/mentoring. You will also have the opportunity to complete your Academy with a selection of Guest Masterclasses.
ConductMe Academy offers masterclasses and various research materials from invited international lecturers. If you are a Premium or Premium+ user, you also have the opportunity to complete your Academy with a selection of Guest Masterclasses.
MASTERCLASS 1 - Conductive education online is an alternative option
This masterclass gives overall information to conductors, teachers, and other professionals in the educational and rehabilitation fields about implementing Conductive Education programs online. Is a possible and necessary next step during our own professional development and also a responsibility as we provide conductive services.
We can hear about those special tendencies we have observed in the last decade and how the conclusion led Move & Walk to organise a study in 2018 with the aim to explore the main characteristics of online conductive sessions.
We share our initial doubts and questions with you and answer them with a comparative analysis of some basic elements in Conductive Education.
At the end of the masterclass we can hear colleagues who share their own experiences of their special teaching journey, how they felt at the beginning of starting their online conductive sessions.
A new brand is being born
• Tendencies we have observed
• Facing new needs
• Definition of ConductMe
Change creates an option for development
• The possibility of a quality online programs
• Our first study, first questions
• First achievements
Online sessions are possible as an alternative to any conductive activity
• Some old definitions need a new coat
• What is the difference? Is there a difference?
Interview with some of our colleagues about their first experience with online conductive activities.
MASTERCLASS 2 - Developing digital skills is a prerequisite for online conductive education
This masterclass offers a very special opportunity to learn how to develop a collection of digital competences for all those conductors and other professionals in the conductive education field whom are planning to start remote sessions in this space.
A film director who himself tried CE and has since then applied it to every aspect of his life as a lifestyle has collected and evaluated all his experience and now shares it with you.
The four different texts and one video summarize the most important guidelines that is needed for the understanding of the technical characteristics of the online sessions.
Understanding opportunities and limitations
• Definition of a digital person
• Equipment you need
• Positioning in the digital area
To prepare the participant
• Special focus onto the participant
• Testing is very important
• Paper form suggestions
To prepare an online session
Performing an online session
Minimizing technical errors
MASTERCLASS 3 - Extensive preparations of the home environment before the conductive online program
This masterclass turns to conductors, teachers and other professionals in the conductive field and explains the most important necessary steps before providing conductive services in digital form.
You can hear about the typical and atypical characteristics of both traditional and remote conductive activities concerning the known and unknown aspects such as location or home-colleagues.
You will receive concrete advice about how it is possible to transform the home into a motivating and safe learning enviroment.
There is a video too with some important thoughts about how to build the program in the best way in terms of time.
You also gain information about what kind of strong and mutual collaboration can be built with parents and assistants who facilitate during the program at home.
At the end of the masterclass you see colleagues who share their own thoughts of what kind of changes they needed to make, such as communication for a successful program in the home environment.
Differences between traditional and online planning
• Known and unknown environment
• Group or individual activity
• Different forms of activity
Adapting home environment into a learning setting
• Definition of home-professionals
• Finding the most appropriate place of the flat/house
• Constant and changing circumstances
• Creative equipment
Advanced time management
• The program can be sometimes longer/shorter
• The child is still at home
• ADL activities in a certain timeframe
New level of cooperation with home-professionals
• Common rules of collaboration
• Knowledge of the child – most important features
• Smart love – way of conductive life
• Guidance of home-facilitations
• Planning social interactions in advance
• New questioning techniques
Interview with some of our conductor colleagues about how they experienced the conductive session in the home environment.
MASTERCLASS 4 - Interval conductive programs online
This masterclass gives both theoretical knowledge and practical advice to conductors, pedagogues, and other professionals in the educational and rehabilitation field about implementing a special form of Conductive Education program: the interval sessions – online.
In the first video we look back at how this form evolved in the system of CondEd and also hear that at the time, interval sessions were also considered as pedagogical innovation.
In the following videos we summarize the most important official forms of administration with some concrete advice that worked well for us.
We also present a different scenario of group design when some group members are at the same place with the conductor and some of the participants join the program from their home.
We introduce a new practice of how to implement a very first meeting with a soon-to-be participant. You gain detailed guidance of the thoughtful and implemented solutions of the conductor.
In the last video of this masterclass we can see colleagues who share their thoughts on what was difficult and easy when leading online conductive sessions.
Strengths and weaknesses of interval forms
• Definition of the interval services
• Historical review: interval services was also once an innovation
Special preparation before digital forms
• Required administration in advance
• Convincing arguments for the authorities
• Certain cooperation with the family
Mixed group compositions in remote sessions
• What is behind the concept?
• Being flexible about online and traditional solutions
• Different aspects in comparison
First assessment experience online
• The circumstances leading to the situation
• Advanced observation skills needed
• Alternative solutions also required
• Is the goal achievable?
Interview with some of our colleagues about their special experience with interval online solutions.
MASTERCLASS 5 - Conductive school activities online
This course presents practical advice to conductors, pedagogues, and other professionals in the educational field about how became possible to implement school lessons in the digital space.
In the first video we define conductive school and summarises all aspects about how to create an active daily routine with conductive philosophy and all required lessons regulated by the national curriculum and how it is still achievable even during online sessions.
In the following videos you can hear about different solutions and results our conductor-teachers tried and succeeded. They were able to transform the traditional classroom lectures into an effective online school when the students participated from their home environment.
We also share our experience about how our conductors organised and implemented task-series during remote session.
Different art lessons will be shown how a music teacher, an art and craft teacher changed their well-known techniques in the digital space and achieved satisfaction from all sides: students, families and colleagues.
We also give some advice about how to teach self-help skills in a creative way online.
In the last video of this masterclass we can see colleagues who share their thoughts on which type of school activity was easy to adapt to remote session and which one was not working as expected at the beginning and why?
Different types of school lessons in a conductive environment
• Harmony of both school requirements and the philosophy of conductive education
• An overall picture about the daily routine of a conductive school
• Does age difference make other variations of school form?
• Timeframe and expectations in a digital form
Daily schedule before and during the online teaching
• Presentation of a class and it´s daily schedule
• Various aspects of a necessary change
Morning assembly and communication lessons
• Concrete advice and solutions from a conductor-teacher
• Using digital devices at home is possible
Motor coordination in focus as a school lecture – online
• Preparing both the students and colleagues
• Guiding the assistants at home
• Adapted facilitation solutions result common success
• The group is still a group even in the digital space
Math- and science related lessons
• Detailed preparation was required before the remote lesson
• Teaching both students and their assistants online
Music and other art lessons in a digital form • Traditional and online solutions
• Important features in the new, home situation
Activities for daily living in a creative way
• Teaching self-help skills online
• Involving the family can even be funny
First experiences of our colleagues about online school activities
MASTERCLASS 6 - Presentation of an adult activity center
This masterclass provides insight into the process how to increase the sense of belonging and participation in the society for adults who live with disabilities.
All colleagues who work in the educational, medical or the social field can benefit of the information we summarize.
We present our adult activity center that offers conductive programs for the participants who work with us.
We point out that it is particularly important how Conductive Education appears in the lives of adults with special needs.
There are videos in this course that share various adaptation solutions adults can benefit from.
In the last film we can see colleagues who share their experience on why it is positive and valuable to work in a special adult activity center which combines all requirements of the authorities and the theory and practice of conductive education? They also share their thoughts on how it became possible and successful to connect their fellow colleagues online.
The social significance of an adult activity center
- The rights of an adult who lives with a disability
- Society’s responsibilities to people with special needs
- Definition of an adult activity center and its social role
- Can conductive education be a mindset of all adult participants, their relatives and assistants?
Various adaptation results success and well-being
- Daily routine of the adult program
- Wide variety of adaptations and solutions
- Which programs had to be changed for a successful online solution?
The possibilities of implementing conductive education in adulthood
- Achievable aims for adults in CE program
- Orthopedic difficulties, needs of special aids with adulthood
- Elements which easily can be transformed to remote solution
Experience of our colleagues – how they experience to work at a conductive adult activity center
Guest Masterclasses
ConductMe Academy offers courses and various research materials from invited international lecturers. If you are a Premium or Premium+ user you also have the opportunity to complement your Academy with a selection of Guest Masterclasses.
Eszter Horváth Tóthné
I am a conductor and the founder of ConductMe and owner, founder and CEO of Move & Walk.
Efter min examen 1991, från András Petö Institute of Conductive Education och College for Conductor Training, Budapest (MPANNI), startade jag Move & Walk School i Budapest. 1997 flyttade jag skolan till Sverige och utvecklade olika verksamheter baserat på KP inom vård, skola och sociala områden.
Mitt deltagande i ConductMe är som en generator och innovatör. Jag hoppas att Conductorer över hela världen kommer att hitta sitt eget sätt att möta den digitala världen med framgång genom vår ConductMe-plattform.
Zsofia Nadasi
I am a Conductor and graduated in 1991 from András Petö Institute of Conductive Education and College for Conductor Training, Budapest(MPANNI) and in 2000 I got a master’s degree in education (Teacher of Pedagogy, Specialist in Education)
2001 flyttade jag till Sverige och började arbeta som gruppledare på Move & Walk och 2015 blev jag också kvalitetschef inom KP.
Here at ConductMe Academy I am a lecturer in CE.
Gábor Borics
Jag tog examen som Conductor från András Petö Institute of Conductive Education och College for Conductor Training, Budapest (MPANNI) 1995. Jag har sedan dess arbetat som Conductor vid North Shore Center för CE i USA och 2004 flyttade jag till Sverige och började arbeta som en Senior Conductor på Move & Walk. På Move & Walk har jag arbetat i alla olika verksamheter, med barn, unga vuxna och vuxna. Jag har hjälpt till med implementeringen av KP i de olika verksamheterna på Move & Walk och har också undervisat medarbetarna i grunderna för KP sedan 2013.
Here at ConductMe Academy I am a lecturer in CE and CE in home- and social environment.
Tünde Fazekas
Innan jag blev Conductor ägnade jag mig åt pedagogik och utbildning. Jag studerade för att bli lärare i engelska språk och litteratur samt grundskolelärare.
I met this wonderful method in 1997 and fell in love with it. I graduated from András Petö Institute of Conductive Education and College for Conductor Training, Budapest(MPANNI) in 2004. Right after graduation, I moved to Sweden to work at Move & Walk and started working in the intensive interval CE department and became responsible for the Gothenburg unit in 2008.
Sedan 2014 är jag ansvarig för alla Träningsverksamheter inom Move & Walk, inklusive alla ekonomiska, personal-, kvalitets- och strategiska frågor.
Inom ConductMe är jag föreläsare i KP och delar min kunskap mestadels om intensiv träning.
Ákos Tóth
I am a technician, film photographer, film editor and responsible for the support function for ConductMe. At the same time, I am responsible for helping the conductors at Move & Walk to develop their digital skills.
Jag tycker att mitt arbete är utmanande och spännande när vi nu utvecklar framtiden för KP-tjänster och på detta sätt kan jag vara en del av det underbara arbete Conductorer gör.
Lars Mullback
I am a film director and writer, with about 50 films and 10 books in his production.
Jag har cerebral pares och träffade på KP för första gången då jag var 34 år.
I documented my meeting with CE and my own training which resulted in the film “Yes, you can”, which was appointed Europe’s best documentary in 1996.
In 2016 I was appointed Honorary Conductor at Petö András Faculty, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary.