ConductMe Academy

Your subscription gives you access to a platform built for the world of CE professionals. It includes masterclasses about CE and digitalisation – a rapidly growing material of films, lectures, documents, etc.

The chat forum gives you the possibility to easily get in contact with other trained professionals and Conductors with the aim to support each other.

On top of this, ConductMe Academy offer you professional mentoring and coaching, job forums and a newsletter with the latest in ConductMe and CE.

Basic Package

The Basic Package includes masterclasses 1 and 2:
• Conductive Education online is an alternative option
• Developing digital skills is a prerequisite for online Conductive Education

Topics covered in the two courses are:
  • The requirement of society, online behaviour, change in customers’ needs
  • The CE professions role in the changed circumstances
  • Directors’ advice – What to think about when preparing and delivering online program. Viewing, listening, sound, etc.

This basic package includes the information we all need before we can start an online/distance/digital program. Conductors, teachers, different professionals in the educational and rehabilitation field can benefit from this shared experience.

You will gain a clear picture about how the conductor’s role must change in this new environment. You will also receive tried and proven solutions that can help you when you start your online teaching journey.

Also, you will receive two important documents from experts telling you how to create the digital pace of a learning environment.

You can – if you wish – upgrade your subscription at any time.

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Premium Package

You will have access to all masterclasses found on ConductMe Academy. You will have access at any time for as long as you wish during your subscription period.

You will get your own online notepad where you can develop your thoughts to improve your own learning.

You will have access to a complex platform to manage professional dialogue with the aim to give/receive support and improvement to learn from each other. You will have access to a chat forum, were you can get in contact with other professionals, subscriptions for dialogue.

You will get access to job advertisements, a Newsletter, etc.

You can – if you wish – upgrade your subscription to Premium+ at any time. 

Furthermore, you can go even beyond a premium subscription to ConductMe Academy by gaining access to a module called ConductOnline should you wish to develop your own platform to communicate with and serve your own customers.

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Premium+ Package

You will get access to the entire Premium Package as well as access to coaching/mentoring. You will have the opportunity to ask written questions to a Senior Conductor regarding the courses, digitalisation, online conducting or just about CE. You will receive written answers to your questions. You will have access to a chat module where you can communicate with other conductors, access to job postings, and much more that will be developed.

Furthermore, you can go even beyond a premium+ subscription to ConductMe Academy by gaining access to a module called ConductOnline should you wish to develop your own platform to communicate with and serve your own customers.

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Guest Masterclasses

ConductMe Academy offers special courses and various research materials from invited international lecturers. If you are a Premium or Premium+ user, you also have the opportunity to complement your Academy with a selection of Guest Masterclasses on a pay-as-you-go basis specifically to any Guest Masterclasses offering you select.
